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    Thursday, May 22, 2008
    The Post with me just saying some more things before the weekend
    This won't be long or in-depth as I'm quickly running out of time for the day.

    I have off starting tomorrow continuing through next week so updates or posts will be scarce.

    Since I'm off tomorrow I will be going to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull around noon. I am looking forward to this as much as any movie coming out this summer (X-Files a close second). I've read some less than stellar reviews and people have tried to shy me away from seeing it. My counter is this though. No matter how bad the reviews may be- it's still Indiana Jones. There is gonna be some great action and Indy is gonna fight off the bad guys. Thumbs up for me.

    Then tomorrow nigiht I'll be heading to the campground for the annual Memorial Day camping trip with our huge camping group. That usually means- tons of alcohol to drink, tons of food to eat, sheer goofiness abounding, and what a lot of us look forward to, the softball tournament. I look forward to that more than anything else. Just as long as I don't end up on the team with the guy who yells at his kid the whole time.

    Yesterday I posted about the 'anywhere" people and it still holds. Marie I agree with you that some places are more ideal than others but you nor anyone else addressed the bigger question in the post. How do you acquire someone's age without being creepy about it? There is a huge divide here that needs to be bridged. I like to think that I can be very charming so I think small talk is enough to get me by for an initial meeting. I always say anyway I do my best to lead with my personality. So to me any situation is good, if I can stop thinking about it long enough to stay out of my own way.

    Who knows, maybe camping is where "anywhere" will strike. Which would kind of suck because then I'd be one of them?

    Have a good Memorial Day everyone.

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008
    The Post with me providing an argument against the "anywhere" people
    I have spoken in some tones about these subjects before but I'm compiling it all into one big post since it flows better in one shot as opposed to multiple shots.

    I think at one point or another we've all been, or will be, encountered by the "anywhere" people. Who are these people you ask?

    Well I think at times we get down in the dumps about love. When we are down we get discouraged and think about giving up. Sometimes we verbalize that. It is at that point these people show up. They are looking to be comforting and tell you, "You never know where you will meet the girl/guy you're looking for. It could be anywhere." (Before we go any further- I'm not chastising these people for saying things like that. In fact, we all do it. I understand they are trying to make a friend feel better, nothing wrong with that.) While that could be true I think practically it is almost impossible anymore.

    On Monday I was heading home from work and needed to stop and put gas in my Blazer. So I stopped at the gas station in Yellow House and started to fill up using what was the slowest pump I've ever been on (without a clip to hook the handle on- but that's a whole different rant). While I'm there by myself, this girl pulls up in an Isuzu Trooper and gets out to pump gas. "Is your pump running real slow too?" she asked. From there we commenced small talking. She was really cute. Dark brown hair just below shoulder length, hazel colored eyes, nice body. Obviously she was very friendly as well.

    Now some of the "anywhere" people will use the gas station as a place you might meet the girl/guy. The issue I had during the whole conversation though was- I have no idea how old she was. It was seriously impossible to tell. Obviously she was older than 16 (and yes there is a 2 year gap between the lowest possible age and the age of where anything would happen- I'm looking for a girlfriend, not potentially be someone's girlfriend.)

    Using context clues of the discussion I have her within an age range of 16 to 24 (I also know her name was Kate). I don't think she was much past college age if at all. And becasue the pumps were running incredibly slow I had plenty of time for small talk. But here's the issue- how do you find out someone's age without outright asking? And if that is the only way how do you do that without sounding insanely creepy?

    It wasn't always like that though. I used to be pretty good at guessing ages. Somewhere along the way I've gotten bad at it. Is there a point in your life where you become bad at that? Like some tangible point on a timeline where you could look and say "24, became bad at guessing ages." Is it a power we have up until a certain point?

    BUt back to the topic at hand. I've propsed numerous motions to help this. I still think age tags would be perfect. Just a simple thing that would read, "Hi, I'm 23." It would take so much away from the guessing game involved. It's just too hard and way to dangerous anymore to try and take a stab at someone's age in a conversation.

    Also it would allow me the opportunity to find this mysterious girl I've yet to find truly "anywhere."

    Monday, May 19, 2008
    The Post with even more discussion about dating
    I still have to talk about the movie Shut Up and Sing, so that will be upcoming. Also next week updates will be spotty since I'm on vacation. Also I taped the ACademy of Country Music Awards last night and will blog about them in the near future, and believe me I have a lot to say about them.

    However, the masses right now love the discussion about dating, and quarterbacking, and everything so we'll keep playing the hot hand.

    Marie addressed Karen's question and I post it because it's always good to have femal points of view.

    I would also like to address Karen's question....frankly, groups of girls make ME nervous. i think more then 2 girls approaching 1 guy is too many. if there is a group of guys you could have 3, MAYBE 4, but i think that is pushign it. in reverse roles, i wouldn't want more then 2 guys coming up to me. oh, and the key to the NFUF is that they have to have a good personality and communicate clearly. if they are nervous with women don't send them in because they'll end up babbling something about their star wars figurines or something else equally akward and unproductive

    First off I should mention- the NFUF refers to a hot girl hanging with a less hot woman. Guys don't really position themselves as hanging out with others they feel below them. With that cleared up I agree that more than 2 girls approaching at one time could be intimidating. I would tend to think that the proper amount of girls is 1-2 over the amount of guys in the group. So say there are 4 guys, 5-6 girls approaching is fine. If there are 3 of you and a gaggle of women approaches I would think, "Oh shit what did I do."

    Back on the NFUF a minute, 9 times out of 10 the NFUF has a great personality. Every once in a while she is just there to be grumpy and pick apart every flaw in the guy the friend is flirting with. But more often than not she is just there to make the friend look even better. Also she doesn't necessarily have to be fat. What's even more confusing to me is- women seem to know they are in that particular role in a certain situation but are fine with it. I'm kind of curious- Is that becasue you know that you do it to someone else, or is it a matter of I'll just take whatever residual comes of this?

    I'm really curious on that now that I verbalized it.

    Todd hit me with this perfectly logical question off of a comment I made in the blog on Friday:

    "If you walk into a bar not looking to try and hook up with anyone it's much easier. I've done that numerous times. So basically it all depends on what you're looking to accomplish, and you're own comfort level."

    If this is the case, why not approach every situation with this mentality? Don't go into the situation looking to accomplish anything... and see how it plays out. Just my two cents.

    Perfectly reasonable. Reading it now I think to myself, "He's right you dummy." The problem is even fairly simple- I over think myself in these situations.

    Even the times I walk into a bar with no intention of finding a woman at some point the light flashes in my head where this is going and I start to overthink, which eventually forces me into an internal cowering mess.

    Going into a bar speficially to look for a woman has me psyching myself out before anything happens. Although on a positive note, whereas before I was psyching myself out even before heading to the bar, now I can get there and spend about an hour there before it happens. See comfort levels are coming back. As far as just approaching it as a friend let's use this analogy. You're driving down a road with no speed limit signs doing like 85. All of a sudden you see a Speed Limit 45 sign. First thing you do is slam the brakes and think "Shit. I gotta slow down." That's what happens to me. Do I like it? No. Can I stop it? Probably, but it would take some work.

    So while I agree with the premise of your statement, execution always seems to fail me. Which I reckon is because of a bad gameplan.

    That's it for today. Keep the comments coming and I'll keep mining material and get to the other posts I mentioned working on.

    Friday, May 16, 2008
    The Post with more discussion about the quarterback
    The Comment section on my blog exploded over the post on Wednesday (yes 3 counts as an explosion). Also a few of the people who read it and talkto me regularly off-line remarked on it. I like when discussion is had. So I've decided to go over some of the comments and see what we've learned in this week that was unofficially about the struggle to meet the opposite sex.

    First we start with Karen who was of no help to women with the proper group alignment but does entertain me with her stories and anecdotes. (Seriously Karen I miss having you around all the time- you were always good for a smile- also guess who is buying a Bayside Tigers T-Shirt, jealous?)

    However Karen does raise an important question which was:

    I've heard that packs of girls often make packs of guys/single guys uncomfortable. True or false?

    This will seem like a cop-out but the answer is, "It depends." There are so many factors that go into this. There are groups of girls that will intimidate certain groups of men, another group might not. For example- we talked about level of confidence the other day. If the guy(s) sees a group of women and perceive them out of their league they will be intimidated. They might not be by another group of girls.

    Also it depends on what you're looking for. If you walk into a bar not looking to try and hook up with anyone it's much easier. I've done that numerous times. So basically it all depends on what you're looking to accomplish, and you're own comfort level. On the whole though I would the averages would say that particular answer would be false.

    Someone brought up the issue of I should take a guess at what the proper alignment for a group of women is. Sort of a starting point that you can adjust. So I figure- let's give it a shot.

    I would imagine you are starting with roughly the same basis as guys would. So you would need the quarterback and 2-3 receivers. Heres' the trick though ladies. Guys are not necessarily that concerned with the level of woman that approaches them. That's the huge difference between men and women (And ladies that read this if you're being fair you'll agree with me).

    See for guys 80-90% of the women in any given place are in play. If you put a guy in a room with 100 women there are at most 20 he couldn't find some rationale for approaching or pursuing. For women I've gathered that number is closer to 40 out of 100 on average. The range of numbers though is far greater for women.

    Anyway. Most guys can look at a girl and find some rationale for at least pursuing a one night shot. Girls don't work like that, because they don't need to. They know there is always going to be another guy- possibly better looking- vying for their attention. Men view it as the window is forever about to close.

    So back to my original point, any of the girls in the group can be the quarterback- the only thing that will happen is they might not necessarily get the guy they targeted once their friends show up. BUt provided they don't fit in the 10-20% bracket they will have a chance with someone.

    See the tricky part is that last person. A guy needs agirl in their group but not necessarily vice versa. It can work- guys can spot douchebags (read my post the other day about the guys piking his hat) but I would imagine it's not essential. Also the guy would have to be non-threatening to any approaching group of guys. IF you have a guy with you that is 6'2", 250 and jacked to the gills there are very few guys that would even think about approaching. I think you are best with sticking with what i've now seen referred to as the NFUF (NEcessary Fat Ugly Friend). And before you tell me I'm cruel remember this, every guy is different so while 2 guys might both be able to rationalize 80 out of 100 that list won't be identical.

    So we are deciding on this.

    3-4 girls that can be either quarterback or recevier
    1 non threatening guy/ NFUF.

    That's my best guess.

    Lastly, before you read through this and blow me off as being an idiot who knows nothing- read this story from Marie (another dear friend)

    funny i was just in this situation a few weeks ago at the bar. we spotted a bachlorette party (one of most horrid traditions EVER), and my boytoy Matt decided he needed to find a single girl for his buddy Wade who was out with us. so Matt moved in, slowly involved wade, and i stepped in to chat a little with the other girls, including the bride to be, who turned out to be the sister of the single girl they were hitting on. it all worked out and Wade has been on 2 dates with the girl.truely a team effort. maybe we need jerseys???

    They did it a little different but it totally worked. Sending in the taken guy can be risky becasue the group might start playing the numbers game but it was pulled off. This was a modified version of the perfect group. Single guy, and the girl/guy combo. He leaves with a number and 2 dates. It's awesome when Cupid hits the mark.

    I highly recommend jerseys of some kind. Maybe nothing outwardly noticable but maybe ankle bracelets.

    So this week we've learned about the quarterback and porper group dynamics and social date hunting situations. I should write books on this stuff

    Next week may bring more sound discussion and observations, do you have anything else you'd like me to expound upon or should I keep freestylin' as things come up?

    Thursday, May 15, 2008
    The Post with me just stopping in
    Don't have time for a full blown update today. Re-read yesterday's post becasue I will respond to some of that and comments I've gotten on it. I'll also say some otehr random things.

    Enjoy your night

    Wednesday, May 14, 2008
    The Post with me dicussing more bar phenomena
    After my little side rant yesterday about dating I figured it was a good time to discuss further observations and philosophies as it relates to me in the dating scene. Today we will discuss a situation that you see any number of times in a bar on a given night. However, if it's done right it's so subtle you don't notice it. Or if you have a keenly trained eye like myself you notice it everytime.

    The quarterback.

    Some may get me, and some may not- so let me explain.

    You see a group of single people (women or men) in a bar having a few drinks and scoping the scene for the opposite sex. The group may have any number of members. Eventually the group will settle on another group or duo or whatever of the opposite sex. When they figure out the best person to approach they will send in the quarterback.

    The quarterback is the person who has the most self-confidence, is maybe the best looking person in the group, and has the best chance of completing the pass. So they'll move in and do their best to grease the wheels of discussion. Once they are in, they will motion over to the rest of their group and call them to the table. From there small talk is exchanged and possible love connections are made. Happy Ending maybe.

    The key here is this though- you need to send over the right person. Had they sent over the third best looking person in the group it might not have went as well. Maybe not even with the second best. No it most likely had to be the best.

    And if you think men are the only ones who engage in this you are mistaken. Women do it as well. I saw it again Saturday night. They worked it a little backwards though (actually with guys it does work differently because they'll talk to almost any girl that approaches them). The less attractive girl of the two went in for discussion and then brought in the hotter friend when talks seemed to be stalling.

    The importance of the quarterback is two-fold. For starters, they need to be able to start the discussion. Also the quality of girls or guys you get is dependent on how good the quarterback is. The level of quality I could bring is different than the level of quality another guy might be able to obtain. Look at it this way Peyton Manning is a better quarterback than Rex Grossman. So if you send in the wrong person it's disaster from the start.

    The person doesn't need to be the best looking. They could be the most personable, but that person will need to be a harder worker than someone who has the natural gifts.

    This applies to me because I said how I'm starting to find my comfort zone again with women. Believe it or not, I used to be a decent quarterback in these situations. I was the receiver- so to speak- more often than not but when called to step in for the quarterback I did admirably. Somewhere along the way though I lost that ability. It'd be like a quarterback blowing out his arm and then expected to come back 6 months later. There is a learning curve again. One that I feel I'm getting back in the swing of. It's hard though too because I'm far more accustomed to being the second string guy.

    Now before I close out this entry I feel I need to give to my male friends the maximal alignment for a group. (Sorry ladies, I have no insight for you- if one would like to offer one please do).

    The quarterback
    2-3 receivers (one of these friends needs to be comfortable in the quarterback role should the group need to split up)
    1-2 more people. Here's the tricky part. One of these people must be a woman. Absolutely 100% a woman. Both of them could be women, but at the least one of them needs to be. It also works well if this is a couple.

    Why a woman? She acts as your offensive line in this case. Women have a great sense where they can pick up traits about a girl just by watching (personality, availability, desperateness of finding a man). I've listened to enough conversations with females over the years to glean some of this knowledge ( Knowledge I've used to my advantage in the quarterback role- sometimes you need to be Brett Favre and use all your resources). But the women have a vast untapped land of knowledge. Also they can help you spot potential drawbacks. For example, I have a friend I hang out with who can spot rings from 50 paces. If there are 3 guys in your group and 3 girls, but 2 have rings on their fingers- it's not worth it. The woman by your side can give you some fo the best material to move forward with. And don't worry about her. She can either tag with the group when you all swoop in or some guy will start talking to her when she is standing by herself (but I wouldn't recommend that).

    Most importantly though, buy her a drink for helping you. Win or lose- you still have to pay the fee.

    I hope this has been helpful and I look forward to more times discussing dating knowledge.

    Tuesday, May 13, 2008
    The Post with my weekend wrap-up
    Friday night I hit the gym and then watched the Flyers play like garbage in Game 1 of their series. Afterwards I hit up Red Hills Tavern for 80's night with Joel. Got there and got a booth which was a nice change of pace. The Phillies game was on above my head which was nice as well. I made the remark that- a beer, some good music, and a Phillies game is pretty close to my idea of heaven (or whatever you believe awaits us). The only thing missing was a woman.

    Strangely enough after saying that I had some girl just start dancing in front of me. A normal guy would've used this as a cue to work his game or whatever. I talked with her briefly, and then went back to sit down. About 15 minutes later this voice yelled inside my head, "You dumb bastard!!"See I mentioned before that I'm getting back towards my comfort zone with women but apparently the motor still stalls out from time to time. It's almost like a car getting only partial spark from a battery terminal. Sometimes you turn the key and it fires up. Most times though it just sputters and silently laughs at you.

    I would like the say though- that I did try to get her attention- but it was a half-hearted attempt at best because I felt stupid for waiting so long before the light went on in my head.

    Also she was really cute- Joel would vouch for that.

    Also if I wanted to make myself sound less pathetic I would tell you she looked like the girl in the Planters commercial. Sadly she didn't. Of course maybe the pink scrubs made her look better than I thought. I doubt it though.

    Saturday night I went out to Montana West with some friends for a quick evening. Ate dinner at the Roadhouse Grill there and had an awesome burger and some glasses of Pabst. $1.00 draft is so great. I didn't try to meet any women there. Mostly residual feeling stupid from the previous night but also a lack of good options there. Montana West has some fine looking women (country girls are 80-90% fine looking- the ratio is extraordinary compared to most other events) but 80% of the people that go in there are regulars. So basically you are playing a major home field disadvantage. Also having some knowledge of line dancing would help you greatly there and I have very little. I could learn it but I'm too lazy to do so. PLus there was some douchebag kicking his heels near where we were and had he kicked me I'd have beat his ass.

    (Side story about his douchebaggery- He was dancing to one song and messed up a step. This prompted him to scream out and spike his hat into the ground like he just scored the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. What rational person seriously acts like that?)

    I did watch a guy I went with pick out a girl and get her number. It's always fun to watch people good at that stuff work their magic. The enviousness seeps away when you are watching someone work.

    Sunday I looked around for some stuff for my little project I'm working on, and then watched the Phillies AND Flyers play badly and lose. Bad times.

    So we've learned this weekend. Learn how to line dance to meet chicks, find a way to keep your mind car constantly in drive (that chance I will not let pass again- this I swear) and don't be a Philly sports fan.

    Friday, May 09, 2008
    The Post with me comfortable with my laziness
    See what happens when I get lazy. The blog goes untouched for 4 days.

    You know what else happens when I get lazy. I update little to nothing in it and count that as a big update.

    Here is the cliff notes version of my week.

    Worked on scrapbook, went to gym, went to red hills to lose at trivia, going to red hills for 80's night tonight after flyers game.

    There you go

    Monday, May 05, 2008
    The Post with a recap of my weekend
    Friday night I went to the movies so I could see Iron Man. Boy is that movie awesome. I'm sure others won't like it as much as I do. I'm sure some will like it more than I did. Robert Downey is just amazing in it. He does such a good job with the character and was the perfect person to play the part. In fact, all the actors are great in it. Jeff Bridges was great as the villian, Terrence Howard does good in his little part and Gwyneth Paltrow is great and her chemistry with Downey is perfect for the role.

    The action sequences are well done and a little more intense than some other super hero movies. Some of the little kids in front of me were gettign squeamish during them. Also the theater was completely packed. There were maybe 2 or 3 empty seats left.

    Overall enjoyed the movie more than Spider-man but not as much as Spider-Man 2. Enjoyed it on the same level as Batman Begins if not a little bit more.

    After that I went i to see Baby Mama which I really enjoyed as well. Of course I love Tina Fey so I would watch her in just about anything. There were some really funny lines and parts in the film so it was a double thumbs up night at the movies.

    Saturday was the big day for me. To answer any questions- here's what I was doing. A while back I got it in my head that I wanted to be able to run an 8 minute mile. Back in my soccer playing days I ran the mile in 8:30 but years of sloth and generally not caring have seriously impacted that time, making it hard for me to finish in under 12 minutes. However, running on the treadmill for 8 minutes is boring and didn't feel like it was going anywhere. So I was looking to determine a differnt goal.

    A few weeks later I got this magazine called "Outside" (didn't order it- no idea why I got it) and they had a thing in there to train to be able to run a half marathon. There was a 12 week program and tips on everything from posture to running shoes. I looked through it and saw they were figuring on a person being able to run a 6 minute mile- which is insane. However, I got an idea that benefited me from an off-hand comment they made. So I decided I was going to condition myself to run a 10K. I settled on the time frame of one hour becasue I figured a pace of ~9:45 a mile was a great starting point to work towards. From there I figured I could work towards maybe 7 miles an hour, and eventually hitting the 8 mile mark within that training.

    So fro 12 weeks I've trained at it and Saturday was the culmination of that training. It was a success and a failure.

    I did run the 6.2 miles, however it took me 63 minutes which upset me greatly. Seriously- 3 damn minutes from my goal, ~ .33 miles. I tried to reassure myself by remembering 12 weeks ago I would've been lucky to go 4- 4.5 miles. However that didn't help. But after a day to think about it I've decided to continue on my goal. 3 minutes ain't gonna deter me. I feel better than I have in a long time. I weigh less now than I have in a long time, and the self-confidence meter is running high right now. So the mission will continue and I will keep running like Forrest Gump.

    Saturday night I went out to dinner with my parents becasue they were celebrating their 28th wedding anniversary. It makes me so happy to see them stick it out as long as they have. Plus it gives me something to shoot for. I hope I can last that long with my wife but I'm getting a little behind the ball. By the time they were my age they already had almost 5 years under their belts, and I was in pre-school.

    Then dad and I watched the Flyers game and after it looked like they were going to blow it they came back and won setting up a Penguins-Flyers series that promises to be ugly.

    Sunday I did some yard work edging flowerbeds becasue it is mulching time. I like doing that stuff. If I could find a job that would pay me what I get now for landscaping I would seriously consider it.

    Then we had our first softball game and we started off by beating up a team like 25-12. I went 3 for 3 with a double, and two singles. And I came maybe 3 feet from hitting a home run. It will be done this year. On a downer, a kid on the team we were playing messed up his knee running into second base. He said he heard something pop in it. Early thoughts were maybe a dislocated knee but the belief is he tore his ACL. I hope not, but it did look painful.

    That was my weekend.

    Friday, May 02, 2008
    The Post with the movies I've seen so far this year Pt.1
    Part 1 will cover January 1st through April 30th. It will cover movies seen in theaters becasue I'm too dumb to write down movies I see on TV, and too lazy to think about it real hard.

    Juno- Great little movie. Funny, witty, and just an entertaining 95 minutes. Ellen Page was great in it and so was Jason Bateman as the conflicted dad-to-be. All the performances in it were great actually.

    Aliens vs Predator: Requiem- It was a free ticket and I wasn't expecting much, still didn't entirely care for it. Note to filmmakers, if you have a really cool scene or idea- show it off. This movie has an awesome scene with the Predator vs Alien vs Predalien. The filmmaker though chose to film this with almost no lights on the set so you had no idea what was going on at times. Stupid.

    Cloverfield- Loved this movie. Many complained that it wasn't a monster movie- good. This had a great story with some neat little interaction among characters. I enjoyed the filming aspect- some didn't. I think it worked well for the film.

    Rambo- I wanted to see a hardcore action film with dudes getting bludgeoned. I got that. Stallone has now resurrected two of my favorite characters and had decent filmd with them. The minefield slaughter scene was great.

    Untraceable- Actually kind of really liked this. The best part to me is so often these "Who done it" films fall flat when they put the puzzle together at the end. This movie actually worked at the end when that happened. Also I really enjoy Diane Lane.

    Strange Wilderness- Disappointing this movie didn't do more at the box office as it is really funny in spots. There are some really great scenes but there are spots where there not enough big laughs. I still enjoy them mocking the shark on the video at the end.

    Charlie Bartlett- Another movie that I think deserved to do better at the box office. It's not a great movie per se but it's a fun little movie about a kid who starts faking ailments to score his new friends drugs. The audition scene is great and there is some good interaction with Robert Downey Jr. and the main character. Also a bunch of my Degrassi peeps show up which was nice.

    Vantage Point- I liked the movie for a while but then it spun off the rails and fell apart for me. First, you need to know that this will tell the same story from 6 points of view- so be ready for that when the film rewinds 5 times throughout. Also as the movie pieces the puzzle together it gets silly and ruins it.

    Doomsday- Was disappointed in this. Not because it;s a bad movie- it isn't. But because the director has done some really cool horror films and this was a little closer to the vest apocalyptic film that I wasn't grooving on. Some parts are excellent and there are some intense action scenes. Overall though it just felt a little flat.

    Horton Hears a Who- I loved this. Of course I love Dr. Seuss books. Jim Carrey and Steve Carrell were great as were some of the supporting voices. Plus I still love the message behind the whoile book and film.

    Run Fat Boy Run- Really enjoyed this movie as well but it bombed at the box office. Simon Pegg is great as is his friend in it. Nice little story about a guy trying to atone and prove he can accomplish something.

    Superhero Movie- It's a silly parody film. It made me laugh quite a few times and that's really all you can hope for. My favorite scene was at a funeral the preacher said, "We've gathered here today to say goodbye." Then the whole crowd at the funeral says in unison, "Godobye." It was unexpected and made me laugh.

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall- Loved this movie. Great performances all around and the writing is really good. The Dracula song had me dying with laughter. Mila Kunis and Kristin Bell are smoking hot in this film. Plus Bill Heder, Paul Rudd, and the guy who played the singer were all outstanding in their roles. The male nudity was a little much though.

    21- Terrible movie. Just boring, and felt overlong. Plus the ending was a little too wrapped nicely. Turns out they fudged the end of the book for the film. Maybe they could've fudged more of the film. Start with a better script.

    Thursday, May 01, 2008
    The Post with some nerves
    Nothing big to anyone other than myself. I talked a few weeks (maybe 12) back about whether you've done anything ever for yourself. An act fully perpetuated by your own desire (at least 98% is acceptable).

    I asked and talked about it because I was embarking on my own journey to accomplish something that I really wanted to do. There are tons of things we think we might like to do, or might want to do but we never do them for various reasons.

    I decided to take the opportunity into my own hands and accomplish the goal I was aiming for. Saturday is the end of that 12 week process.

    So all my 3 months of work comes down to one opportunity to get it accomplished. If I don't do it to say I would be disappointed would be an understatement. It's also enough to make me not talk about it just yet. Let me accomplish it and then relish in it.

    To tide any discussion over- it's nothing huge. It doesn't require me to go anymore than 10 miles from my house. And it is nothing that is going to change my life- well maybe it will, but it won't be a tangible change- I would know internally. Also it might change my life at some point down the road but that is a medical scenario that I'm under yet.

    So all you need to know for now is this.

    I've been working at this for 12 weeks, testing my ability every 3 weeks to hit it. As of the last test I had some work to go but the goal was entirely reachable.

    Saturday (Monday on here) will either have me triumphantly basking in the glow of my accomplishment, or feeling upset for not reaching it. Although I encountered that feeling at the end of week 9 and had to re-pump myself up for it.

    So MOnday we will know whether I've improved myself.

    Tomorrow- in honor of the summer movie season kicking off I will update all the films I've seen in the first quarter of the year.


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