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    Friday, December 30, 2005
    The Post with my '06 Mission Statement
    This has been a crazy year. Not crazy good, or crazy wacky, but crazy bad. It was so bad I was seriosuly ready to sit by myself on New Year's and drink myself to tears. However I had a friend invite me to a little party at his place and the group of people who will be attending I like so I can kind of look forward to the celebration.

    So why the despair? Why the wanting to be alone? Someone said to me--New Year's is a celebration of all the good that happened in the past year and all the good the new year will bring. Well looking back on 2005--nothing good happened. And I know some will say "You're just being negative." "You're not seeing the big picture." Let's look at simple facts here--from where my life was at the beginning of 2005, it has not changed heading into 2006, both personally and professionally.

    The mind-numbing job I had at the beginning of the year I still have and my prospects are not getting brighter. I still lack a girlfriend (which I think would help me greatly when it came to dealing with my problems). I got walked on by soem people this year--again when it came to being friends or being there for me.

    So that all brings about changes. When that clock strikes midnight tomorrow and people begin celebrating the New Year a change will happen inside me. The extra weight I''ve been carrying for some years now will disappear. Come 2007 I will be in a new job doing something that is better than the crap I put up with. And oh yeah--I will be involved in some sort of relationship when that clock strikes midnight Dec. 31st 2006.

    Most importantly though--I won't stop doing good things for people becasue I'm determined to not let the world change me but I will be more selective in what I do. No more neverending handouts.

    This is the year when that gray sky I've forever seen in front of me changes into a sunny horizon. I start being proactive and making things change. If you don't believe me check with me in a year from now.


    Thursday, December 29, 2005
    The Post with a recap and the next pick
    The people request it- Matthias demanded we do it on the 5's--so here it is, the recap and the next pick

    20. Eva Longoria

    19. Sarah Chalke

    18. Chyler Leigh

    17. Katherine Heigl

    16. Alyssa Milano

    Which now brings us to #15 and for that we move to the UPN network:

    Kristen Bell has been in an ecclectic mix of shows and movies. She's been in critically panned stuff like Pootie Tang and the recent remake of Reefer Madness. Several tv shows like The Shield and Deadwood have been graced by her presence throughout the years. She currently has been getting accolades for the hit UPN show Veronica Mars which is the other mystery show on Wednesday nights. We welcome Kristen Bell to the list.

    (For those wondering--Matthias' pictures are smaller because his weren't initially set to large so when they were large here they were blocky looking--so they are at the original ratio. Matthias has realzied the error of his ways in not posting large pictures of these hot women and will hang himself....or just do them large from now on--either way)

    Tuesday, December 27, 2005
    The Post with #17
    We continue on with the 20 Hottest Women on tv countdown and are up to #17. Matthias had #18 and that was Chyler Leigh. You should probably head on over to his website and check out the picture. You could also catch one of the last 3 episodes of Reunion to air on FOX before the show goes off the air for good.

    So I have #17 and we get our second woman from ABC, and the second one apart of the Sunday night block for them

    Ms. Heigl burst onto the scene in the movie My Father The Hero where she first set hearts racing. She's been in some other films like Bride of Chucky, Valentine, and can be currently seen in The Ringer. However she has had her biggest sucess on the small screen with the hit show Roswell, and she is currently on Grey's Anatomy. We may have missed her initially but her hotness should be recognized.

    Matthias has got #16--coming soon

    Saturday, December 24, 2005
    The Post with a holiday classic
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays however you spend them to all of you. I don't have much to say so I will post here what is maybe the finest editorial ever written and maybe one of the best things ever written. You know it I'm sure:

    Editorial Page, New York Sun, 1897

    We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun:

    I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?
    Virginia O'Hanlon

    Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a sceptical age. They do not believe except what they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

    Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

    He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

    Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

    You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

    No Santa Claus?Thank God he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

    Friday, December 23, 2005
    The Post with a new Co-Sponsored countdown
    So one night while watching tv and comparing notes on women my buddy Matthias and me came up with an idea. Why not rank the top 20 hottest women on tv? That seemed like a great idea so we set out to accomplish the task. It worked like this:

    We both compiled a list of 20 women. Then we compared lists. Any that we matched (ended up being officially 8-unofficially 9) were put on the list. Then we argued and browbeat each other to come up with the remaining women. Now we present it to our faithful readers in some bizarre cross-promotion that will appeal to the audience that reads both of our blogs rather than the people who read one or the others. Imagine the frustration of the people who only read my blog having half the list--although since I have the odds we get number 1 and they don't--HAH!

    We also agreed we should only try to find pictures of women in their underwear but that won't be possible at least for a few I believe.

    Ok so Matthias put up #20 last night---Go check it out...It's under the link section up top--I'll wait

    Ok we good.

    Here is # 19

    For those that don't know that is Ms. Sarah Chalke the woman who plays eccentric, slightly goofy Dr. Elliot Reed on the NBC show Scrubs (returning January 3rd 9-10 pm). You might also remember her from Roseanne where she played the second Becky who filled in when the first one left. But she has gotten milage out of being the nurse that we all wish we could have. Seriously--she flashed patients to make them get better, was a sex buddy with a guy, and dances like the goofiest hot dances you've ever seen. PLus she is in just a bra a lot of times. Hooray for that.

    #18 is in Matthias' blog coming soon.

    Thursday, December 22, 2005
    The Post with me discussing a pretty historic court case
    Could someone, anyone, please explain to me why people can't leave well enough alone? It's been brewing for a while now and finally the damn religious right has been dealt a crushing blow.

    Judge John E. Jones this week delivered the knock out in the court case over whether schools could be allowed to teach intelligent design to students as an alternative to evolution. What the fuck is that? Well let's backtrack a little.

    October of 2004 the Dover Area School District decided to offer students an alternative to evolutionary theory teachings. The students were given this statement basically stating there are alternatives to evolution, including intelligent design--the belief that mankind's development is too complex to have evolved without an intelligent designer. It also directs them to the book "Of Pandas and People" for further information.

    Now ask yourself when you went through school what were you taught? Evolution right! I'm pretty sure your parents were taught it too and probably their parents as well. So why did people deiced now was the perfect time to introduce intelligent design. And even worse it gets people arguing about which one is right. Intelligent Design (which is really creationism without naming God as the creator) or evolution. You knwo what who cares? Truthfully neither one is probably totally correct and the actual way it happened is probably somewhere in the middle.

    I mean both sides are full of questions. And believe me I had lots of them growing up. See I had the normal route that millions of other kids around the country did. We learned about evolution in school and that was balanced out by Sunday School teaching creationism. And I really hate how both sides think their right and will argue with you about your beliefs.

    I always wondered these things:


    If God could do just about anything- as fast as he wanted Why did it take him 7 days to create the world? Did he just not want it to be done right away?

    Did he spend most of his time on certain beautiful looking things which left too little time for other things. I mean what purpose do those sticky weeds that cling to my shoes serve?


    If we evolved from apes--why are there still apes?

    Did everything really just kind of drift around until it found its correct place?

    The question that always plagued me was this though: People who are evolutionists say it is just implausible that one person created everything, why is that any more implausible than things just happening to work out like they did?

    For those that are wondering here is my belief (I'm putting it into an essay paper analogy to make it more accessible) God created the outline--wrote the introductory and closing paragraphs and acted as editor. Everything else evolved for the most part with God punching it up as he went along. I think that's a fair balance between what I've been taught.

    I'm glad that the religious right lost this battle becasue it is so stupid to fight. As I said--school has been taught like this for decades now, why was this the right time to go after it?

    (And don't even get me started on the people who are bitching becasue the pledge of allegiance has the words, "One nation under God" in it. That's religion--no it isn't, it's a statement. I can assure of two things..1) Kids barely know the Pledge they only recite it since they do it every day. 2) Kids have no idea what they're saying since the amount fo times they've said it makes the words worthless to them) So why bitch? And seriously have they ever looked at their money. Morons)

    Look for years we've balanced church and state pretty well and every once and a while I guess one side will raise up and throw their chest out like a peacock to see how much territory they can move in on their opponent. Religion tried and failed--and really I'm glad for that.

    Tuesday, December 20, 2005
    The Post with my College Bowl Predictions
    I do this every year predicting the big college football bowl game season. I'm posting it here this year--not because I think it's going to interest anyone but more as a record for me.

    The games are listed with spreads. The team that has the minus number behind them is favored to win the game and need to win by the amount of points shown (or more) to "cover the spread" For example: USC is favored over Texas by 7.5 points so by picking Texas I am saying--Texas will be within 7.5 points when the game is over. If I pick USC--I'm saying USC will win by more than 7.5 points.

    I don't have any analysis up but I'll work on that (again more for me) but since tonight is the first bowl game I felt I need to get my picks up. Ignore the point values in paranthesis behind the game name as that is for the pool I'm in


    1/4 Rose Bowl (5 pts.)
    USC (-7.5) vs. Texas

    1/3 Orange Bowl (3 pts.)
    Florida State vs. Penn State (-8.5)

    1/2 Sugar Bowl (3 pts.)
    Georgia (-8.5) vs. West Virginia

    1/2 Fiesta Bowl (3 pts.)
    Ohio State (-4.5) vs. Notre Dame


    12/20 New Orleans Bowl (1 pt.)
    Arkansas State vs. Southern Mississippi (-17)

    12/21 GMAC Bowl (1 pt.)
    UTEP vs. Toledo (-3)

    12/22 Las Vegas Bowl (1 pt.)
    California (-7) vs. BYU

    12/22 Poinsettia Bowl (1 pt.)
    Colorado State vs. Navy (-2.5)

    12/23 Fort Worth Bowl (1 pt.)
    Kansas (-3) vs. Houston

    12/24 Hawaii Bowl ( 1 pt.)
    Nevada (-2) vs. Central Florida

    12/26 Motor City Bowl (1 pt.)
    Memphis (-6) vs. Akron

    12/27 Champs Sports Bowl (1 pt.)
    Clemson vs. Colorado (no line yet)

    12/27 Insight Bowl (1 pt.)
    Arizona State (-11.5) vs. Rutgers

    12/28 MPC Computers Bowl (1 pt.)
    Boise State (Even) vs. Boston College

    12/28 Alamo Bowl (1 pt.)
    Michigan (-12) vs. Nebraska

    12/29 Emerald Bowl
    Utah vs. Georgia Tech (-9)

    12/29 Holiday Bowl (1 pt.)
    Oregon (-3) vs. Oklahoma

    12/30 Music City Bowl (1 pt.)
    Minnesota (-3.5) vs. Virginia

    12/30 Sun Bowl
    UCLA (-3.5) vs. Northwestern

    12/30 Independence Bowl (3 pt.)
    South Carolina (-4) vs. Missouri

    12/30 Peach Bowl (1 pt.)
    Miami, Fl. vs. LSU (no line yet)

    12/31 Meineke Car Care Bowl (1 pt.)
    South Florida vs. NC State (-6.5)

    12/31 Liberty Bowl (1 pt.)
    Tulsa vs. Fresno State (-7)

    12/31 Houston Bowl (1 pt.)
    TCU (-4) vs. Iowa State

    1/2 Cotton Bowl (1 pt.)
    Alabama vs. Texas Tech (-2.5)

    1/2 Outback Bowl (1 pt.)
    Iowa vs. Florida (-3)

    1/2 Gator Bowl (1 pt.)
    Louisville vs. Virginia Tech (-8.5)

    1/2 Capital Bowl (1 pt.)
    Wisconsin vs. Auburn (-11)

    Monday, December 19, 2005
    The Post with a small gripe and something to cheer everyone up
    I have a few things I want to bitch about this week just to balance the holiday cheer.

    First off- I'm in the market for a new vehicle. Why is it impossible to look at an ad and get a feel for what the price is.

    For example a truck is listed at 17,500.....Minus a 1500 instant rebate.....Minus 3000 vehicle trade-in...minus military discount...minus 3 other different things which lists the price somewhere around 12,000---of course marked by an asterisk. All I want to know is if I walk in the dealership, how much am I going to need to walk out with that car. I don't want to know how many discounts I might possibly qualify for, I want a hard number I can go with. Is that too much to ask?

    Ok. Now everyone likes to rag on Saturday Night Live anymore and truthfully it isn't as good as it used to be but every once and a while they have something that gets me to laugh out loud. This past week they had an SNL short called "Last Sunday" (which was The Chronicles of Narnia Rap) it is really funny and it is on teh web so go to this site and check it out.


    Sunday, December 18, 2005
    The Post with me clarifying and a mini-movie review

    Have I never told you about the faun and centaurs I have living in my backyard? I have a Mawg too--he's his own best friend you know. But seriously.

    When I was reviewing Narnia I wasn't particularly clear about something leading to confusion so let me clear it up some. I realize that Narnia is a fantasy film in some regards. My comment about it being able to happen right next door was because it isn't staged in some unmappable portion of the world..The kids are sent to the the countryside to be free of World War II air raids. It looks like a normal house they move into that happens to have a wardrobe that leads into a different land. There is no portal jump or anything that sends them there-It just happens.

    Plus when it comes time to solve problems it is settled with some good old fashioned fist-i-cuffs, and battles.

    Hope that helped some.

    Now King Kong--and like I said a mini review since I'm not feeling a big long review right now.

    A really spectacular 2 hour 25 minute movie that runs 3 hours.


    Thursday, December 15, 2005
    The Post wiht me discussing Narnia----The movie & the hysteria
    As a kid I fell in love with the works of C.S. Lewis, and like many others read his book The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe in school. I was hooked. When I went to see Star Wars Episode 3 this May I saw a preview begin and thought--"No it can't be." I had heard nothing about a movie based on the book but yet there was the preview promising a movie in December. Finally that weekend arrived and I had to go see the movie. Also with the saturation in the media about the Christian bent of the film there was no way to not be geared or looking forward to this movie.

    Now I know first off, some of you will cry hypocriticsm towards me. I've stated numerous times I do not like fantasy movies. Harry Potter is not something I enjoy, and neither is Lord of the Rings. I know--it's a crime or something to speak ill of either of them but it's just a personal taste thing for me. I'd also say the people who lump Narnia in with those two have never once picked up the book. Narnia is not a magical, mystical land. Narnia could happen right next door. Narnia is a war novel mixed with a sibling story about 4 siblings that grow closer as time moves on.

    Now let's discuss the movie (avoiding spoilers or ruining too much). The movie starts with an air raid and the four siblings with their mother taking shelter in a bomb shelter. Their mom sends them to stay in a house in the country to be safe. One day while bored, the four kids begin playing hide and seek. Lucy (the youngest child) hides in a wardrobe stored away- by itself- in a room. As she backs into the closet she steps out into the snow and the magical world of Narnia. She meets with Mr. Tumnus and strikes up a friendship. This leads to a funny exchange where she extends her hand for a handshake and Mr. Tumnus looks at it quizzically.

    "You're supposed to shake it."
    "Whatever for"
    (Lucy looking at her hand with a puzzled face) "I don't know"

    It made me laugh.

    Eventually her brothers and sisters (who initially don't believe her) end up in Narnia and the four find themselves in the middle of a battle as Aslan the lion comes back to help his people take back control from the evil White Witch who has plunged Narnia into a state where it is always winter but Christmas never occurs. The Pevensie family must help lead Aslan's troops into battle and then.....well go see the movie.

    Ok now the fun stuff. There has been much talk about the Christian bent of the film and the books in recent weeks. I'll say this--if you are looking for things to compare to stories from Christianity then you can certainly draw them. However, when Lewis wrote the book he was met with the same thoughts and he swore he didn't have an ulterior motives with the book, so let's take him at his word.

    What bothers me is this! First off the religious right not only wields to much power anymore, but they are rubbing people's faces in it. They struck gold by throwing their weight behind The Passion of the Christ so now they are thinking nothing can stop them. I can at least see them supporting the Passion though. It is a story that actually comes from the Bible so theyhave every right to say it is approved by God and whoever. But The Chronicles of Narnia is a freakin' book that was aimed for children and now the right wants to claim that as their own. Well I say no.

    Look if I really wanted to find things that I can compare to stories in the Bible I could probably claim Robocop is a Christian allegory but do you think the good old fundamentalists will encourage people to go out and see that movie. And what frustrates me is when people lump all Christians and sometimes all religions into one group of people. I share a similar end with other Christians but the way my denomonation gets there is different than others. I feel embarassed that people only listen to the fanatical religious zealots and then make unfair assumptions.

    And what's worse is that people spend time arguing with the religious right about their idiotic thoughts and control barriers. Look--I think its best to treat them the same way you treat that person from high school you were never friends with but he sees you in a bar 5 years later and acts like you and him have been best buddies for life. He doesn't take the hint you're wishing him to go away so you smile and nod for 30 seconds before you grab for the phone in your pocket pretending like it was ringing, look at it, and say, "I got to take this" then run for the door. These people are psychotic and believe me no amount of sensible argument is goign to dissuade them from their beliefs. Even trying to piss them off doesn't work because then they feel the need to give you a baptismal sermon. I spent time at a Luthering Youth Gathering yelling, "It's a lie-Jesus isn't coming back." which led to a kid telling me I was goign to hell for not having faith in Jesus. I looked at my shirt I was wearing (The Official Youth Gathering shirt) and said, "Hey dickhead-why do you think I'm here?"

    Ok where was I? Oh yeah....Look you could compare the book to the Bible as an allegory just understand something sensible people will not listen to such nonsense and sensible people won't argue with you about it. Enojy gathering in the Paylovian masses who will sop up whatever salvation you want to sell them or convince them exsists.

    Back to the film. The girl who plays Lucy Pevensie is a wonderful little actress and its hard to believe this is her first real work. She plays the part exactly as it should be--wild-eyed and making the audience believe her this place exsists. The boy who plays Edmund is another gem who goes throught the full gauntlet of being a troublemaker to being a hero. The older siblings are convincing when they doubt the two younger siblings and slightly less convincing when they become believers. Liam Neeson as Aslan the lion was perfect casting and his voice is very God-like (That was a joke). Tilda Swinton is great as the White Witch and I defy any man to tell me they wouldn't be enchchanted by a woman as good looking as her inviting them into her carriage, wrapping her arms around them, throwing her heaving bosom in their face and offering them food and drinks. The world of Narnia is breathtaking and you feel like a child when you first see it. The battle felt like a let-down to me but when I looked at the book after the movie I saw it was only 2 pages in the book so the reason I was disappointed was because my imagination was greater than what the filmmaker's could pull off--that's not really their fault.

    This movie isn't an A level film but it is a solid B/B+ film and you'll enjoy yourself when you watch it..That's all I care about.

    Friday, December 09, 2005
    The Post with the Top 5 of the country countdown
    Here it is as promised yesterday--The Top 5 of Hansley's favorite county songs of all-time. But first here are the names of some songs that came so close to cracking the list..."Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" by Big & Rich----"Rose Garden" by Lynn Anderson----"Fishin' in the Dark" by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band----and "Smoky Mountain Rain" by Ronnie Milsap---"Seven Year Ache" by Roseanne Cash....Ok without any further hesitation on with the top five. Actually first I should mention at first when listing albums I was trying to put the original album for the songs but decided to go with the album easiest to find in stores instead. Now the countdown

    5. Ring of Fire
    by: Johnny Cash
    Album: The Legend of Cash (originally a single)

    From reading the title of the song you wouldn't get behind the meaning it all. June Carter was slowly falling in love with Johnny Cash despite her best efforts not too. She described the feeling in an interview as falling into a fire ring. She took those words switched them around a little and this hit was born. And love is like that--starts small and then burns uncontrollably. The angelic Carter felt that towards the fiery Cash and the song bore out of that is enough for the 5 spot.

    Love is a burning thing
    and it makes a firery ring
    bound by wild desire
    I fell in to a ring of fire...

    I fell in to a burning ring of fire
    I went down,down,down
    and the flames went higher.
    And it burns,burns,burns
    the ring of fire
    the ring of fire.

    The taste of love is sweet
    when hearts like our's meet
    I fell for you like a child
    oh, but the fire went wild..

    I fell in to a burning ring of fire

    4. Faster Horses (The Cowboy And The Poet)
    by: Tom T. Hall
    Album: The Ultimate Collection

    Tom T. Hall was maybe one of the most clever wordsmiths to write country music. He wrote songs that had a sly sense of humor He wrote songs that had a social conscience without browbeating you about it. Everyone once in a while too he poked fun at himself and this song is a great example of that. He said once he figured out the music business he was set. Of course in saying that--he was poking the establsihment which always makes for fun. And really truthfully when life gets you down all you really need is what the song says--

    He was an old-time cowboy, don't you understand his eyes were sharp as razor blades his face was leather tan his toes were pointed inward from a-hangin' on a horse he was an old philosopher, of
    He was so thin i swear you could have used him for a whip he had to drink a beer to keep his britches on his hips i knew i had to ask him about the mysteries of life he spit between his boots and he replied

    "it's faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money"

    He smiled and all his teeth were covered with tobacco stains he said, "it don't do men no good to pray for peace and rain. peace and rain is just a way to say prosperity, and buffalo chips is all it means to me."

    I told him i was a poet, i was lookin' for the truth i do not care for horses, whiskey, women or the loot i said i was a writer, my soul was all on fire he looked at me an' he said, "you are a liar."
    "it's faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money"

    Well, i was disillusioned, if i say the least i grabbed him by the collar and i jerked him to his feet there was something cold and shiny layin' by my head so i started to believe the things he said

    Well, my poet days are over and i'm back to being me as i enjoy the peace and comfort of reality if my boy ever asks me what it is that i have learned i think that i will readily affirm

    "it's faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money"

    3. All My Rowdy Friends are Comin' Over Tonight
    by: Hank Williams Jr.
    Album: Greatest Hits Volume 2

    Hank Williams as I mentioned in a comment was probably the best voice ever in country music. He had a great tone and sounded like he had truly lived every song he sang. His son broke into country music and while he continued singing songs like his dad did content-wise, he did everything he could to get away from his dad's image. Hank Jr. wrote some great drinking songs, and some great social commentary songs but for my money nobody wrote a party song like Hank. All My Rowdy Friends is all but a requirement for me when I'm having people over cause if they can't get rowdy than they can't be my friend. The only thing I'm missing is the big whirlpool made for ten....

    I got ketchup on my blue jeans, I just burnt my hand,
    Lord, it’s hard to be a bachelor man.
    I got girls that can cook, I got girls that can clean,
    I got girls that can do anything in between,
    I gotta get ready, make everything right,
    ‘cause all my rowdy friends are comin' over tonight.

    Do you wanna dance, hey, do ya wanna party,
    Hey, honey, this is ole Hank ready to get the thing started.
    We cooked a pig in the ground, we got some beer on ice,
    And all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight.

    Now my party pad is out in the woods,
    It’s a long, long way from here to Hollywood,
    But I got some natural queens out on the floor,
    And ole Miss Mississippi just walked through the door.

    I got a little whirlpool just made for ten,
    And you can jump out, and you can jump in.
    You can do anything that you wanna do,
    But oh, don't you step on my cowboy boots.

    Do you wanna dance, hey, do ya wanna party,
    Hey, honey, this is ole Hank ready to get the thing started.
    We cooked a pig in the ground, we got some beer on ice,
    And all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight.

    Do you wanna dance, hey, do ya wanna party,
    Hey, honey, this is ole Hank ready to get the thing started.
    We cooked a pig in the ground, we got some beer on ice,
    And all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight.

    2. The Devil Went Down to Georgia
    by: The Charlie Daniels Band
    Album: A Decade of Hits

    Maybe the best story song in country music and really the story itself is secondary to the blistering fiddle playing of Daniels. Seriously--you find the person who plays the fiddle better than him. See the devil needed a sould and went after Johnny, but Johnny was better than the devil imagined. From the beginning to the end this song is an exercise in playing that instrument. And the story contained within is a simple tale of the underdog rising up against the bigger foe but with Daniels pounding vocal it takes on a whole new life. Play this song in a room full of hicks and a hoe-down will break out.

    The devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal.
    He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind: he was willin' to make a deal.
    When he came across this young man sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot.
    And the devil jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what:
    "I bet you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
    "And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
    "Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due:
    "I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you."
    The boy said: "My name's Johnny and it might be a sin,
    "But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best that's ever been."

    Johnny you rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.
    'Cos hells broke loose in Georgia and the devil deals it hard.
    And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold.
    But if you lose, the devil gets your soul.

    The devil opened up his case and he said: "I'll start this show."
    And fire flew from his fingertips as he resined up his bow.
    And he pulled the bow across his strings and it made an evil hiss.
    Then a band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this.
    When the devil finished, Johnny said: "Well you're pretty good ol' son.
    "But if you'll sit down in that chair, right there, and let me show you how its done."

    Fire on the moun, run boys, run.
    The devil's in the house of the risin' sun.
    Chicken in the bread pin, pickin' out dough.
    "Granny, does your dog bite?"
    "No, child, no."

    The devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.
    He laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet.
    Johnny said: "Devil just come on back if you ever want to try again.
    "I told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best that's ever been."

    And he played fire on the mount, run boys, run.
    The devil's in the house of the risin' sun.
    Chicken in the bread pin pickin' out dough.
    "Granny, does your dog bite?"
    "No, child, no."

    1. Friends in Low Places
    by Garth Brooks
    Album: No Fences

    This might not be a popular pick for number one but I care little--because this is the quintessential country song. A man loses his woman to the high society and instead of trying to win her back he shows up at the party and proudly tells the woman he doesn't need her because he's got his friends in low places--and much drinking and beer raisin' ensues (and really there is nothing wrong with that). And personally speaking---as a 11, 12 year old kid it is not cool to like country music, but when this song came out--everyone knew the lyrics to it and sang along with it. People would tell me "I hate country music, but that Low Places song is awesome." In the end, Garth Brooks took country music to a level it had never reached and this song more than any other was the launching pad. And in the process, made it socailly acceptable to listen to country music again (But truthfully--I would've still listened anyway--I'm not real good at swimming with the current)

    Blame it all on my roots
    I showed up in boots
    And ruined your black tie affair
    The last one to know
    The last one to show
    I was the last one
    You thought you'd see there
    And I saw the surprise
    And the fear in his eyes
    When I took his glass of champagne
    And I toasted you
    Said, honey, we may be through
    But you'll never hear me complain

    'Cause I've got friends in low places

    Where the whiskey drowns
    And the beer chases my blues away
    And I'll be okay
    I'm not big on social graces
    Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
    Oh, I've got friends in low places

    Well, I guess I was wrong
    I just don't belong
    But then, I've been there before
    Everything's all right
    I'll just say goodnight
    And I'll show myself to the door
    Hey, I didn't mean
    To cause a big scene
    Just give me an hour and then
    Well, I'll be as high
    As that ivory tower
    That you're livin' in

    'Cause I've got friends in low places

    Where the whiskey drowns
    And the beer chases my blues away
    And I'll be okay
    I'm not big on social graces
    Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
    Oh, I've got friends in low places

    And that my friends is the list---agree/disagree..want to move some picks around go ahead but my list stays like this.

    Thursday, December 08, 2005
    The Post with the teenage geek in me jumping for joy
    When I was in junior high there was one show that my friends and I watched when we would sleep over at each other's house. There was one show that was considered required viewing to me. There was one show that had me tape it on Friday nights so I could re-watch the episode on Saturday morning. That show was Fox's Friday night sci-fi, scare fest The X-Files. Every week it was almost mandatory that I involve myself in the lives of Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

    For those that don't know, The X-Files dealt with the shadowy government conspiracy behind aliens and what we know and don't know about them. Fox Mulder was an outcast at the FBI and readily believed in the supernatural and bizarre. He was paired with the skeptical Dana Scully whose job was to keep Mulder in the scientific realm of the situations. When they were together though strange things happened and as the show wore on Scully came around to Mulder's way of thinking. On the weeks they weren't being given the run around by Mr. X, Deep Throat, and Cigarette Smoking Man the pair tackled some of the weirdest cases that were out there--cases the FBI didn't deem worthy of them.

    Now admittedly at first I was so confused by the mythology involved in the first two episodes of the show but they fully hooked me with episode 3. That was the first week they encountered something outside the alien conspiracy.

    Squeeze was the story of murders committed where there was no discernable point of entry and each victim had their liver removed. The investigation leads them to Eugene Tooms a man Mulder believes is a genetic mutant who hibernates for 30 years before he comes out of hibernation to feast on livers to give him enough fuel to last until the next awakening. That episode was so good they invested a second episode on the story of Eugene Tooms later in the season.

    At the end of season one the government shot Deep Throat who was Mulder's best link to uncovering the conspiracy. That further hooked me as some of the story fell into place.

    in the second season they amped up the strangeness of their stories. Tony Shaloub as a man who had people die when they walked into his shadow. The old folks home with ghosts of the dead elderly attacking everyone. The story of murder among circus freaks, but two stories stick out in particular to me.

    The Host a story of a human fluke worm that was born out of Chernobyl and lives in the sewers.

    Our Town was about a small town that was home to a popular chicken plant Chaco Chicken. However Mulder and Scully discover the town is actually into cannibalism and are butchering people in the chicken equipment.

    So after those two episodes I couldn't help but get hooked on this show for life.

    In season 3, they again upped the ante with the bizarre.

    First off, they blew up Mulder (or did they?) to start the season. Then once that was all settled they dove back into cases. Peter Boyle starred in Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose where he was a man who could see how people would die. War of the Coprophages where Mulder begins to suspect a cockroach infestation in a small town is the work of aliens scouting our planet. Then the kicker was the episode Pusher where a man who was dying was using psychic abilities to make people do what he wanted...He made a cop pull into traffic and wreck after they had arrested him. This episode led to one of my favorite exchanges of dialogue in the show's history.

    Mulder: Modell put the whammy on him.
    Scully: Please explain to me the scientific nature of the Whammy.

    Just gold..

    It was near the end of the third season I got my 11 year old brother involved with watching the show, which I came to regret in season 4.

    See season 4 is home to the weirdest episode of The X-Files ever--Home. We sat down to watch the show and were greeted by a parental advisory. That's odd I thought. I should've been more concerned.

    Home is so bizarre I could never describe it so here is an episode summary.

    When the body of a malformed newborn baby is found in a shallow grave in the small town of Home in Pennsylvania. Local Sheriff Andy Taylor unused to such things requests the help of the FBI and Mulder and Scully are assigned to investigate, neither of them believe the case is an X-file, until they examine the baby and discover it is has multiple genetic deformities. They come across the Peacock clan, a local family which years of inbreeding has deformed their bodies and souls in to something sub human. Down to just three brothers, Mulder and Scully suspect the brothers have kidnapped a woman and are forcing her to bear their children. They visit the Peacock residence and find evidence that confirms that the baby was born in the house although they can find no sign of a woman being held captive. That night the Peacock brothers leave their home and go to the Sheriff's house, where they murder Andy Taylor and his wife in a vicious attack. The deputy Sheriff discovers the bodies the next morning and joins Mulder and Scully as they storm the Peacock house. But the Peacocks are ready to defend their home and the deputy Sheriff is killed by a bobby trap. Mulder and Scully distract the Peacock brothers by releasing their pigs from the pen, while they are rounding the pigs up Mulder and Scully enter the house. They discover that the mother of the deformed baby is not a woman being held captive but the Mrs Peacock, a multiple amputee and mother of the three Peacock brothers.

    I sat dumbfounded at the end of the episode.

    That night at 12:30 I was awoken by my brother with a look of fear on his face.

    "Bubba, can I sleep in your bed."
    "What's the matter?"
    "I'm scared and it looks like cars keep turning into the driveway."
    "Ok. You can stay here tonight." (Hey it’s what big brothers do.)

    The next morning I got yelled at by mom for letting my brother watch the show but trooper he was, he was back the next week for more--after promising not to be scared.

    So anyway why am I now jumping for joy. Well, I always wanted to buy the season sets on DVD but they retailed anywhere from 80-100 dollars which was just way too rich for my blood. Then I recently read an item on aintitcoolnews.com where FOX has decided to re-release the season sets in slimcase editions and lower the price for the seasons to around 35 dollars, which is a better price option for me. So by Jan 1st 2007 I will probably have all the seasons of The X-Files on DVD and that makes me so happy.

    PS--In the interest of full disclosure I also watched the show since Gillian Anderson was one of the hottest babes on television and was only 25 when that show started. I had such a celebrity crush on her...Don't believe me she was hot....Need proof you say--- well here:

    PPS--I had this post all but ready to go last night but my computer crashed which moved this post to today and backed up the country music countdown part 5 to tomorrow..so suspense builds.

    Tuesday, December 06, 2005
    The Post with Part 4 of the Country Music countdown # 10-6
    So we've got the next two countdowns for the blog planned..Anybody else want to throw a countdown in there or want to add to their current total? Think about it as you get ready for part 4.

    10. Seven Spanish Angels
    by: Willie Nelson & Ray Charles
    Album: Essential Willie Nelson

    Take one of music's best smoky, soulful sounding voices and mix it with the fluttering tenor of a country hippie throw in a song that is about a couple who stay together even in death and you get an amazing sounding, heartbreaking ballad. And to think at the time some people in the Bible Belt were worried about a negro singing their music. Some people

    He looked down into her brown eyes,
    Said, " Say a prayer for me."
    She threw her arms around him,
    Whispered, "God will keep us free."
    They could hear the riders comin,
    He said, "This is my last fight.
    If they take me back to Texas,
    They won't take me back alive."

    There were seven Spanish Angels,
    At the alter of the Sun.
    They were prayin' for the lovers,
    In the valley of the gun.
    When the battle stopped,
    And the smoke cleared.
    There was thunder from the throne.
    And seven Spanish angels,
    Took another angel home.

    She reached down and picked the gun up,
    That lay smokin in his hand.
    She said, "Father please forgive me,
    I can't make it without my man."
    And she knew the gun was empty,
    And she knew she couldn't win.
    Her final prayer was answered,
    When the rifles fired again.

    There were seven Spanish Angels,
    At the alter of the Sun.
    They were prayin' for the lovers,
    In the valley of the gun.
    When the battle stopped,
    And the smoke cleared.
    There was thunder from the throne.
    And seven Spanish angels,
    Took another angel home.

    9. Act Naturally
    by: Buck Owens
    Album: Buck Owens and his Buckaroos at Carneige Hall

    Buck Owens might have the most distinct voice in country music. Admittedly I always got a kick out of watching him on Hee Haw with his odd mannerisms and goofy faces he'd make while singing but as I got older I learned to appreciate his stuff. I like this song because it is what would normally be a sad country song. A woman leaves her man and he is upset. Instead of the same old sad song though we get an upbeat sounding song about making a movie of a broken-hearted fool. Brilliant.

    They're gonna put me in the movies
    They're gonna make a big star out of me
    We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
    And all I have to do is act naturally

    Well, I bet you I'm gonna be a big star
    Might win an Oscar you can never tell
    The movie's gonna make me a big star,
    'Cause I can play the part so well

    Well, I hope you come and see me in the movie
    Then I'll know that you will plainly see
    The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
    And all I have to do is act naturally

    We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
    Begging down upon his bended knee
    I'll play the part but I won't need rehearsing
    All I have to do is act naturally

    Well, I bet you I'm gonna be a big star
    Might win an Oscar you can never tell
    The movie's gonna make me a big star,
    'Cause I can play the part so well

    8. Mountain Music
    by: Alabama
    Album: Mountain Music

    This song takes me back to hanging out with my cousins in the summer--fishing, playing baseball, and just basically being free-wheeling kids. As I've grown older it reminds me of my days with a cooler full of beer sitting under my favorite shade tree with friends after high school. It is a great feel good song and has a hoe-down fiddle solo at the end. That makes for country gold from one of the best seeling bands of all time in any genre.

    Oh, play me some mountain music
    Like grandma and grandpa used to play
    Then I'll float on down the river
    To a Cajun hideaway

    Drift away like Tom Sawyer
    Ride a raft with ol' Huck Finn
    Take a nap like Rip Van Winkle
    Daze dreamin' again

    Oh, play me some mountain music
    Like grandma and grandpa used to play
    Then I'll float on down the river
    To a Cajun hideaway

    Swim across the river
    Just to prove that I'm a man
    Spend the day bein' lazy
    Just bein' nature's friend

    Climb a long tall hick'ry
    Bend it over, "skinnin' cats."
    Playin' baseball with chert rocks
    Usin' sawmill slabs for bats

    Play some back-home, come-on music
    That comes from the heart
    Play something with lots of feelin'
    'Cause that's where music has to start

    Oh, play me some mountain music
    Like grandma and grandpa used to play
    Then I'll float on down the river
    To a Cajun hideaway, hey hey

    Oh play me mountain music
    Oh play me mountain music
    Oh play me mountain music
    Oh play

    7. Sunday Morning Coming Down
    by: Kris Kristofferson
    Album: Essential Kris Kristofferson

    Of the 4 country outlaws to run wild in the 70's (Cash, Jennings, Nelson & Kristofferson) Kris is the most underappreciated of all of them. He wrote many great songs and let friends of his record them. Cash's version of this song overshadowed Kris's version but they are two different songs based on how they are sung. This version is more pain and angst filled about a man whose life has fallen apart and he spends Sunday morning walking off a hangover and yearning for his old life back.

    Well, I woke up Sunday morning
    With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt.
    And the beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad,
    So I had one more for dessert.
    Then I fumbled in my closet through my clothes
    And found my cleanest dirty shirt.
    Then I washed my face and combed my hair
    And stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.

    I'd smoked my mind the night before
    With cigarettes and songs I'd been picking.
    But I lit my first and watched a small kid
    Playing with a can that he was kicking.
    Then I walked across the street
    And caught the Sunday smell of someone frying chicken.
    And Lord, it took me back to something that I'd lost
    Somewhere, somehow along the way.

    On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
    I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
    'Cause there's something in a Sunday
    That makes a body feel alone.
    And there's nothing short a' dying
    That's half as lonesome as the sound
    Of the sleeping city sidewalk
    And Sunday morning coming down.

    In the park I saw a daddy
    With a laughing little girl that he was swinging.
    And I stopped beside a Sunday school
    And listened to the songs they were singing.
    Then I headed down the street,
    And somewhere far away a lonely bell was ringing,
    And it echoed through the canyon
    Like the disappearing dreams of yesterday.

    On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
    I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.
    'Cause there's something in a Sunday
    That makes a body feel alone.
    And there's nothing short a' dying
    That's half as lonesome as the sound
    Of the sleeping city sidewalk
    And Sunday morning coming down.

    6. Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys
    by: Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings
    Album: Ultimate Waylon Jennings

    There is a reason Waylon & Willie worked so well together singing. Waylon had that bass sounding voice and Willie had that tenor and together they sounded perfeect together. They released a bunch of great songs together but none that matched this one--a warning song to all women (mothers & daughters) who came into contact with "cowboys." The one line I always loved and I always felt best described me is in the middle of the second verse. I'd tell you what it is but have fun guessing.

    Cowboys ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold.
    They'd rather give you a song than diamonds or gold.
    Lonestar belt buckles and old faded levis,
    And each night begins a new day.
    If you don't understand him, an' he don't die young,
    He'll prob'ly just ride away.

    Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
    Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
    Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.
    Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
    'Cos they'll never stay home and they're always alone.
    Even with someone they love.

    Cowboys like smokey old pool rooms and clear mountain mornings,
    Little warm puppies and children and girls of the night.
    Them that don't know him won't like him and them that do,
    Sometimes won't know how to take him.
    He ain't wrong, he's just different but his pride won't let him,
    Do things to make you think he's right.

    Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
    Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
    Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.
    Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
    'Cos they'll never stay home and they're always alone.
    Even with someone they love.

    We've only got 5 to go and they will be up on Thursday night so be ready to enjoy.

    Saturday, December 03, 2005
    The Post with my favorite country songs #15-11
    Ok before we get to the fun I want to give you the opportunity I promised in promoting this post. You-the reader- gets the say in what my next list is. That's right leave a countdown you want to see in the comment section of the blog and we'll go in order as they are mentioned. I'll do any countdown that has a minimum of 5 entires possible but no more than 20. The only way I wouldn't do the countdown is if I have no idea about the subject or don't feel comfortable pontificating on the subject. So basically you're getting my opinion by asking for it. Sound good? Ok on with the show.

    15. The Gambler
    by: Kenny Rogers
    Album: The Gambler

    What starts out as a story song about meeting a drifter on a train quickly becomes a lesson in how to live one's life. I think at any one point we are faced with problems and situations that can get us down. We underplay the good, and overplay the bad. Essentially this song compares that life to a poker game. In the end it becomes a song of hope and gives us an important lesson in the process.

    On a warm summer's evenin' on a train bound for nowhere,
    I met up with the gambler; we were both too tired to sleep.
    So we took turns a starin' out the window at the darkness
    'Til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.

    He said, "Son, I've made a life out of readin' people's faces,
    And knowin' what their cards were by the way they held their eyes.
    And if you don't mind my sayin', I can see you're out of aces.
    For a taste of your whiskey I'll give you some advice."

    So I handed him my bottle and he drank down my last swallow.
    Then he bummed a cigarette and asked me for a light.
    And the night got deathly quiet, and his face lost all expression.
    Said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, ya gotta learn to play it right.

    You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
    Know when to walk away and know when to run.
    You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
    There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

    Ev'ry gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
    Is knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
    'Cause ev'ry hand's a winner and ev'ry hand's a loser,
    And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

    And when he'd finished speakin', he turned back towards the window,
    Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep.
    And somewhere in the darkness the gambler, he broke even.
    But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep.

    You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
    Know when to walk away and know when to run.
    You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.
    There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

    14. Here in the Real World
    by: Alan Jackson
    Album: Here in the Real World

    One of my favorite feelin' bad about love songs. It sounds like an old time country song with the slow burning fiddle at the beginning adn the somber steel guitar under it all. Then you hear Alan's voice kicks in and if there is any singer who comes close to the days of Hank Williams its' him. This song has a personal connection to me because after having my heart officially broke for a second time and finally realizing I wasn't going to get the girl I longed for I got into my car for a lonely drive back to school. This was the first song on the radio that night and it helped me cope with closing the chapter.

    Cowboys don’t cry, and heroes don’t die
    Good always wins, again and again
    Love is a sweet dream that always comes true
    Oh, if life were like the movies, I’d never be blue

    But here in the real world
    It’s not that easy at all
    ’cause when hearts get broken
    It’s real tears that fall
    And darlin’ it’s sad but true
    But the one thing I’ve learned from you
    Is how the boy don’t always get the girl
    Here in the real world

    I gave you my love, but that wasn’t enough
    To hold your heart when times got rough
    And tonight on that silver screen
    It’ll end like it should
    Two lovers will make it through
    Like I hoped we would

    here in the real world
    It’s not that easy at all
    ’cause when hearts get broken
    It’s real tears that fall
    And darlin’ it’s sad but true
    But the one thing I’ve learned from you
    Is how the boy don’t always get the girl
    Here in the real world

    No, the boy don’t always get the girl
    Here in the real world

    13. The Chair
    by: George Strait
    Album: Something Special

    There is a great story in this song. This guy begins conversing with a woman and is about as awkwardly small talking as any one person can. As the song progresses we see a change happening or do we? Was this guy just smooth all along and acting like he was awkward? Make your own assumptions. I feel like I should take notes listening to this song.

    Well, excuse me, but I think you've got my chair.
    No, that one's not taken, I don't mind
    If you sit here, I'll be glad to share.
    Yeah, it's usually packed here on Friday nights.

    Oh, if you don't mind, could I talk you out of a light.

    Well, thank you, could I drink you a buy?
    Oh, listen to me, what I mean is can I buy you a drink?
    Anything you please.

    Oh, you're welcome, well, I don't think I caught your name.
    Are you waiting for someone to meet you here?
    Well, that makes two of us glad you came.

    No, I don't know the name of the band, but they're good.
    Aren't they, would you like to dance?
    Yeah, I like the song too, it reminds me of you and me.
    Baby do you think there's a chance
    That later on I could drive you home?

    No, I don't mind at all.
    Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth
    That wasn't my chair after all.
    Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth
    That wasn't my chair after all.

    12. Good Hearted Woman
    by: Waylon Jennings
    Album: Good Hearted Woman

    This song is pretty much what love is all about to me. It speaks to me because its the kind of woman I need since I've bene known to be the good timin' man that the song speaks of. This song stresses focusing on the good parts fo the relationship and not the bad parts, and really is that a bad thing for a song to be telling you?

    A long time forgotten are dreams that just fell by the way
    The good life he promised ain't what she's living today
    But she never complains of the bad times or bad things he's done, Lord
    She just talks about the good times they've had and all the good times to

    She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man
    She loves him in spite of his ways that she don't understand
    Through teardrops and laughter, they'll pass through this world hand-in-hand,
    A good-hearted woman loving her good timing man

    He likes the night life, the bright lights and good-timin' friends
    When the party's all over she'll welcome him back home again
    Lord knows she don't understand him, but she does the best that she can
    'Cause she's a good-hearted woman; she loves her good timin' man

    She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man
    She loves him in spite of his ways that she don't understand
    Through teardrops and laughter, they'll pass through this world hand-in-hand,
    A good-hearted woman loving her good timing man

    11. You Never Even Called Me By My Name
    by: David Allen Coe
    Album: The Perfect Country and Western Song (not the original album but a re-release of a bunch of his hits)

    You know I can't honestly say I know what this song is about. In fact, the more I hear it--it might not mean a damn thing. I think though it is a song that is a jab at the country music industry that is disguised as a song towards a lover who jilted Mr. Coe. (I feel I should warn you if you try to hunt down some other Coe stuff be careful. There are a lot of songs out there that are extremely racist that are attributed to him. Some of the songs are his and some aren't. But if you're a person offended by racism--don't btoher looking for them)









    Friday, December 02, 2005
    The Post with a statement
    First off, tomorrow brings part 3 of the country music countdown which is sure to continue to bring no response from anyone. Buut tomorrow comes with an opportunity so look for it.

    Now, let me say this--Say what you will about Culture Club but Church of the Posion Mind is a great song

    Desolate loving in your eyes
    You used and made my life so sweet
    Step out like a God found child
    I saw your eyes across the street

    Who would be the fool to take you
    Be more than just kind
    Step into a life of maybe
    Love is jard to find

    In the church of the poison mind
    In the church of the poison mind
    In the church of the poison mind

    Watch me clinging to the beat
    I had to fight to miake it mine
    That religion you could sink it neat
    Just move your feet an' you'll feel fine

    Who would be the fool to maybe
    Trick a kiss in time
    Who am I to say that's crazy
    Love will make you blind

    In the church of the poison mind
    In the church of the poison mind
    In the church of the poison mind


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